Mixing RL with Second Life. What do you want to envision? What is your fantasy in the world of fashion?
Look into my world, perhaps you'll find a piece of your own. Don't be afraid to look outside the box. After all, Second Life is just that. A way to create and dream.
~*~ The FASHION ROCKS Series ~*~ Craig Lyons ~ AKA - CraigLyons Writer
What is The FASHION ROCKS Series?
For decades, musicians and fashion designers have inspired each other in real life and now SL’s most talked about musician, CraigLyons Writer, will be working with the cream of SL fashion designers as part of this historical fashion and musical tour across Second Life.
Starting on Saturday 4th September with a glittering party at the ‘BOSL Radio’ lounge, Craig will kick off a 6 week series of live music and video performances at over 30 fashion stores and glamorous destinations.
At each location, there will be a treasure hunt while the show is streaming and you will be able to find free gifts from some of SL’s top designers. Participants will have to follow the ‘Fashion Rocks’ group on Moolto.com to discover the secret locations and clues each week and to find out who the winners of some very special prizes will be too!
The Moolto group will be the only place to find out about special contests for exclusive prizes, like photo contests for free music, designer goods, modeling gigs, and who knows what else!
BOSL Radio and Metaverse TV will also be streaming live shows during the 6 week event, so make sure you tune in for all the latest news plus follow Craig’s real life web pages for updates on his music.
Music, fashion, fun and free gifts-this promises to be the most talked about event of the year!
To learn more about Craig Lyons check out his Facebook page at: http://facebook.com/craiglyonsmusic and watch his video "California" on YouTube:
Since Emerald is well, getting shot down, I'd like to thank my friend JaCiCa for the info and link to check out the options we all now have on Second Life..
Amelie et les petites: Sparrows
Blouse: The Secret Store Olivia Blouse @ Collabor88
Shorts: The Secret Store Daria denim shorts @ Collabor88
Lion: [Black Bantam] White Lion Cub -...
The Maestro
Here I am in all my glory, The Maestro! Master of all, knowledge of none
….. lol What a fun picture this was to take, putting together the outfit
took a ...
0021 - Aurora
RL and SL (to be more precisely: other bloggers) are keeping me busy right
now. Thats why I cant write too many blogs at the moment. Today just a
quick lo...
Caçada Menstuf: Shey Fashion, Bosch
Olá a todos, há muito tempo que não vou numa caçada, e esta até que está
bem valendo a pena. Se você é novo e está precisando de roupas Boa sorte.
Os itens...
SL18B Shop & Hop - Aurelian Sim - Gift Guide
SL18B Shop and Hop
June 17th to July 6th
Store List
Events Info
Feel Free to Preview all the gifts in my SL18B Gifts Album on Flickr HERE.
As ...
Twisted and Spoiled
* Note: The freebies may be limited (see first post) ⇒ Skin: Mother Goose’s
.::Mother Goose’s::. Yvonne -freckle-1L |L$1| ⇒ Hair: Heart Softens
.+*HS*+. Gr...
Lucky Kitty Crew Flickr!
New Lucky Kitty Crew Flickr Group is born! Since I can't post on blogger
(no I won't switch to google chrome) I've opened this group so I can still
chair m...
The Retreat
[image: The Retreat. Now accepting applications for new designers]
There are many wonderful new things waiting for you at The Retreat, your
place for qual...
obat herpes
*obat herpes* - Untuk anda yang menderita penyakit herpes yang disebabkan
karena virus kini tersedia pengobatan menggunakan obat herbal dari *De
Nature* un...
*NEW* At Mimi`s Choice
Cyber Chic Outfit is just one of the new collection at Mimi`s Choice , Hat
, pants and Top are includ...
العاب بنات قص شعر طويل
هل ترغب في لعب لعبة للبنات؟ إذا كنت تريد أن تلعب الألعاب على الإنترنت وترغب
في أن تكون خلاقة، تجعل هذه لعبة هي متعة كبيرة. تحب واحد أو أكثر من جعل
لعبة؟ ت...
Pretty Patterns, Preppy Coats
I'm obsessed with BIG PICTURES nowadays, so bear with all those prim
There's this place I saw on Cerise's blog, where they sell pretty good y...
*Buon anno a tutti! *
*Vi auguro un 2014 di libertà, serenità, amore :)*
*Mimikri*, in occasione dell'apertura del nuovo mainstore, regala questo
outfit me...
Etant bloqué sur celui ci pour y ajouter des photos, je vous donne le lien
pour accéder au nouveau blog.
the link for my new blog :
Sizzling Summer Cart Sale, p3
Let there be joy! I have another post to share chock-full of goodness you
can find at the Sizzling Summer Cart Sale happening at The Wash right now!
We h...
Hi! I'm still experimenting with new settings and EEP and everything else
in all viewers I can to see if I finally get happy with my pics. I hope you
Nothing Gold Can Stay..
After finding and photographing a skin called 'Gold Leaf', I was reminded
of a poem I love..
Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her earl...
I rezzed on June 16, 2007. After being helped out of my newbie state, I
began exploring Second Life™ and quickly fell in love with it. I quickly
From My Fingers to My Toes
I have a couple new items from N-Core to show off today, and I styled a
somewhat futuristic look with them. The most noticeable new item is the
SHAE heels,...
Hump Day Happiness - Week 80
Sale begins at Midnight SLT Tuesday night and runs 24 hours.
*note : not all stores/items are pictured/available at the time of blog
**note : ...
Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone. I'm sorry there haven't
been many posts lately, Rl has taken a somewhat bad turn so I'm not on as
much as...
Denim Coat Orion (SOM gift, The owner has trashed the SOM earlier and
people who couldnt grab that before can get it today as he had r...
The Advantages in Having Bike Rack for Ford Focus
*Bike Rack for Ford Focus* - Given the surge in notoriety for hitch-mounted *Bike
Rack for Ford Focus* well known line, we're beginning to see every one o...
A fae in the wardrobe sept 28th
Today i'm interrupting my series on the new dresscode because I just HAD to
show you that latest gorgeousness from Evie's closet
Hello Cupcakes! *sighs* Yes, I have been M.I.A. from this blog for far too
long. Yes, I am accepting spankings as a punishment. I meant to do this
post las...
Closing Sale: Miu: Everything $50L!
Sadly, Miu is closing. They are holding a closing sale, in which everything
is marked down to $50L. Adorable clothes at bargain prices! Miu Blog:
Holy Crapola!
Just before we open for realz, tragedy strikes!!
The landowner of Viana Islands apparently took beef with our parcel owner
and unceremoniously boote...
Le Dome
I had to smile when I arrived at *Le Dome*. It reminded me of the Back To
The Land days which a few of you may remember and MIGHT have even taken
part i...
Beauty of Booty in –It’s On Sale Event
Our store Beauty of Booty is taking part of the It’s on Sale event running
from 2/14-2/20. We have a shape and a pose set for half off the original
cable wheels * SLADESTAR *
a planned them for a long time, and now i made them: you get 2 types of
cable wheel – full and empty. you get 3 versions with different textures. i
made th...
FREE!!! 250L$ Gift Card and a Gift from LuluB!
[image: ❤️Dreadville❤️]
*~LuluB!~* has two gifts free for everybody at Dreadville (dark fantasy
region), a 250L$ gift card, and a Dreadville edition moo...
L i m i t e d B a z a a r # 42
We wish to thank all participating designers and everyone else who has
supported Euphoria’s “Limited Bazaar”. We are grateful for its success!
Having said ...
Real Life (RL) blog
Hello sweeties! There's long time... I hope you're all well...
I'm teaking a break from SL for long... If you wan't to have some of my RL
news... there are ...
The Maestro
Here I am in all my glory, The Maestro! Master of all, knowledge of none
….. lol What a fun picture this was to take, putting together the outfit
took a ...
New Blog!!!
Dear friends, subscribers and followers, I moved to my new own website now
and if you wanna still follow me you will now find me at:
It's Been A While
It's been a while since I've done a blog. Reason being is that I've been
slowly working on doing posters for my shapes and setting up a store. With
that sa...
Changes To Fifty5 Thursday (updated)
Changes coming soon to Fifty5 Thursday:
We are going into our 5th year and so many changes have come to sl since
then, I have taken much into considera...
60% off Sale at ViViG!
All skins in the ViVi Skinline at ViViG have been marked down 60% off. The
skins are now L$400 each. Fatpacks with 40 skins, plus lipstick and breast
APPLYME! August Summer Splash
It’s summer time which means it’s time to show off those sexy bodies and
show the world what you are made of. This round is filled with so many
Aye, it was another website update…
Times change, it’s a new year, I have a huge article to finish here, and
I’ve also released some new (intriguing) snippets of programming for Second
6th Annual Home & Garden Expo for Relay For Life
One of the events in SL I look forward to with much eagerness and
anticipation each year is the Home & Garden Expo. This years event is well
underway, havi...
LookBook 28
With Vintage Fair coming up, I’ve been in a rockabilly mood. Here is one
of my rockabilly looks that I’ve put together. Skin: PUMEC] – Arabella
– Dece...
For Those Of With Curious Minds!
We have a new comer Blogger(Melisa Dexler)!!! We welcome you to the team!
For all you hunters out there who still have a curious eye! here are some
more po...
Yep — Another Hair Fair Blogpost.
Just in case you’ve been living under a rock and happened to miss the other
500 or so blog posts pertaining to the 2012 Hair Fair…Pumpkin has returned,
Waking Up Refreshed
The bed in this cabin was really something of a dream. Huge pillows and a
big fluffy duvet, I completely loved it. Waking up with this sunrise and
the lake...
Waking Up Refreshed
The bed in this cabin was really something of a dream. Huge pillows and a
big fluffy duvet, I completely loved it. Waking up with this sunrise and
the lake...
NEW @ Phi
Sephia Ellison of Phi continues to improve her craft, branching out from
her immaculate and detailed furniture, into warm, thoughtfully created
homes, like...
UPDATE: Cheaters
So it has been brought to my attention that someone posted the coordinates
to every key in the hunt. In response a lot of the designers are moving
their ke...
xstreet freebies?!
Yes, xstreetsl freebies! I've found sooo many...
I decided to clean out my inventory and found some pretty nice full perm
clothes so I thought I'd share t...
Flowers don’t tell, they show
D E T A I L S: Tableau Vivant \\ leLutka EvoX Hairbase 51 – 05 [the
Skinnery] Dewi skin Jack Spoon . Floral Lashes … Continue Reading Flowers
don’t tell, t...
An ocean breeze puts a mind at ease
“And just when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, the ocean reminded
her, she goes on…” Hair: Wings Hair – EF0501Outfit: [LeiMotiv] Meily Set
Pose: Ami...
GioMEN - Men's Dressy Casuals
My new favorite store for men's mesh clothing, I got a half a dozen shirts
and jackets here, it was great! Texturing and shapes are very well done,
from c...
New Year, New Things
So I've decided this is to be my final post on Love/Hate until or unless
the owner, Wrenja returns. (It's been over a year, I'm so faithful. x: )
Thank you...
After a long day of work...
Hiya, I'm back after a break from RL for health reasons in the family :)
So let me show you what I got.
From Ghee this gorgeous set of jacket and pants
388. & the stars look very different today.
*Please click to see full size.*
The Looking Glass - Forrest Abandoned Theater (modified)
Atelier Visconti Pillar
HPMD* Garden...
The Retreat
[image: The Retreat. Now accepting applications for new designers]
There are many wonderful new things waiting for you at The Retreat, your
place for qual...
CLOSING SALE @ mimikri
After much consideration, I have decided to close my Second Life store as I
shift my focus to new projects in my real life. This journey has been an
aR Productions: Garden Watering Station
Auch der SL-Garten braucht Pflege :) Eins der neuen Werke von Arton Rotaru.
• 100 % Mesh • Handmade Level of Detail models (Works perfectly with
default vi...
Modeling for friends =)
Due mie amiche mi hanno fatto delle foto con abiti e capelli di recente,
davvero molto belle e, naturalmente, con abiti e capelli molto belli =)
ho pensato ...
Pretty Patterns, Preppy Coats
I'm obsessed with BIG PICTURES nowadays, so bear with all those prim
There's this place I saw on Cerise's blog, where they sell pretty good y...
#1086 Xmas 2015
Hello there!! A new year is coming closer and all I can do is thank life
for all the good and bad that has put me through. Let’s spend this day with
our be...
Thimbles and Pig sale
Thimbles and Pig are having a totally random secret sale... every now and
then you come across an item marked $25L, when you do make sure you grab
it! ...
Happy Tuesday!
The new store is moving right along. Niah Larson (LMC & Lillith Mills) has
added my designs, gowns etc to her website including my addresses for this
A kick-ass dress
A kick-ass dress made by Billy Hadisson and I effin love it! Probably the
best Indonesian batik dress I’ve seen so far! :) Original Review by Tante
A Friend Feature: *X*plosion
I am really happy to introduce a cool label which is owend by a very
talentet friend of mine. And it is really about time to write something
about *X*plosi...
Rose Gold
The Holidays are usually a time of parties and celebrations with friends,
and as the Holiday Season approaches once again it is the perfect time to
Intend To Make Your Task Hunt Successful?
This post will present you with some hints on tips to get a job. Many feel
lost with employment issues, but looking at this article might help! This
Store Feature: Blackstar
So I was wandering around looking at god knows what (honestly I go on some
wild explorations sometimes) and wound up landing at this cool SIM with
some wel...
Moving Day!
After over a year here on WordPress.com, the time has come to move along.
to my own domain. One reason for the move is to allow me to control the
back-end ...
Jual tepung kentang Flakes Starch Tangerang
mempersembahkan produk Pati kentang potato STARCH dan potao FLAKES terbaik
dari Eropa untuk hasil produksi terbaik di industri makanan. Cymart
Miamai Kia Viola for My Second Wardrobe
[image: Miamai Kia Viola for My Second Wardrobe]
[image: Miamai Kia Viola for My Second Wardrobe]
Dress:Miamai Kia Viola for My Second Wardrobe Not Free
hunt at A.Y.Y.
The A.Y.Y. store has moved and is celebrating the new store with a hunt.
You have to find ten tiny sculpty hearts (priced 1L a piece) containing
clothes (s...
Always Room In My Home & Heart
[image: Always Room In My Home & Heart (New Post @ Second Life Fashion
[image: Always Room In My Home & Heart (New Post @ Second Life Fashion
New Skins and Shapes from Shapes by Kira
Hi everyone! I have been hard at work the past few months designing new
products and updating old vendors at Shapes by Kira ! This week, I present
to you 1...
BLOG MOVING! Time to say goodbye, Blogspot.
Dear Readers,
i decided to move my Blog. I would be happy if you follow me there and
bookmark the site and update your blogroll and GoogleReader.
Find Lil...
Au Revoir Blog
Dear readers,
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your support all these while. I have finally decided
to close this blog due to time constrain in my RL...
Sixty Linden Weekends Blog
As we are looking towards 2011 it was time to update the blog!! The newest
stuff that you can find here include the links across the top with
information o...
TinRoof Fashions
*Welcome to TinRoof Fashions*
I found this store by chance while doing
the *WOMENSTUFF Hunt*.
*They still have 2 of their items hid there to locate.*
Hi! I'm still experimenting with new settings and EEP and everything else
in all viewers I can to see if I finally get happy with my pics. I hope you
It's nice to be back!
After being away from SL for almost a year, it’s nice to be back. School
left very little time for picture editing or SL. So now I decided to start
all fre...
Sway Advent Calendar
The bad news, is that if you didn’t already know about this, you’ve missed
most of it. The good news is, that’s fewer boxes you’ll need to find.
Today’s ...
[image: Sweater Weather Closeup]
A quick outfit for shopping can be fun with a few little spooky details …
creepy monster eyes and a bloody face tattoo. If...
Along the way, I find myself
~ Look Information ~ Base Head | LeLUTKA Camila Mainstore Shape | Quiet
Obsession – Personal Marketplace Body | eBODY – REBORN Mainstore Ears |
Included in...
LoveCats - Moonlit
Oh wow, it's been a while eh! I haven't posted anything in over a year for
a variety of reasons (both RL and SL) but I wanted to get back into
blogging l...
Angel Of Love......
*The Angel Of Love was upon me.....*
And Lord, I felt so high
I swear I could have reached up
Placed my hands upon the sky
*Depeche Mode*
RO - LongBow...
Week 101-Happy 2nd Birthday Taste of SL!
It's been two great years since we started Taste of SL! We can't believe
it's been that short of time! Thank you to each and every one of you
that's been...
bunnehs from spaaaaaace
So we tried out some of a the couples/group poses from the Pose Fair
yesterday, and naturally it was decided that the person with the least
actual artistic...
GATO- Eureka Dress Blue (available at The closet for 70L)
GATO-Plain Leggings HotPink (available in blue too - at The closet for 20L)
LM: http://slurl....
Sunday full of discounts?
Yes, *The Dressing Room Fusion.*
New *40-70L.* products available.
A few designer's spots arent change yet, be sure they bring he...
Sale August 20th-23th For a limited time, EVERYTHING in the store is 50%
off. lm: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Heart%20Of%20Glass/202/224/32Filed
under: ...
VACKRA Faye for Project Themeory
For this week's Project Themeory, I set out the Faye Dress in Blush, for
the theme: Love is in the Air. It's perfect for a romantic Valentine's Day
*ahem* I have been asked several times why I am not blogging anymore or if
I’ll be back and when. Like I said, I’m not, but thought I’d share some
news. Go...
We're Baaaack!
Wow, it's been a while since I've updated here! Well, we've got our own sim
now and I'm working on things for my own store more than I am looking for
The amazing movie ever "Home"
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10
years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources
and the ...
Follow me to my new blog!
Hi, it’s Abra! I haven’t been here in AGES, however I wanted to check in
with you! I’m now blogging at “Lately Great” – follow me here to check out
all my ...
*Freebies At Pirate Point Break*
*Wow! I think I discover a little wonder* *here at Pirate Point Brea*k!
*You won't get bored a second.It's packed with high quality goodies,*
* Lucky cha...
new gift- new release
newer then kim kardashian's fake butt
can we resize that hourglass bootie now???
after this shocking news!!! finesmith releases new group gift and new
Happy Holidays! Group Gift
Gift for Update Group Members!
I send to group members, also placed groupgift vendor on store entrance :)
Have a great Holiday season!
*G Field* main store...
Newness Out Now For The Snagging
+Blue Blood+ has two new epic cute mesh outfits released and ready for the
The first is the sweet and and playful Nerea, which comes in all the n...
Leather vest in winter (liquid mesh)
*wearing Leather Down Vest from +grasp+*
*You can change the inner shirts and scarf by HUD*
*Leather down vest, leather pants,boots *
*are from +gra...
-AZUL- Verda
Hi all♥-AZUL- Verda is @ Main Store with All colors and Fatpacks !Aaaaand…
Fatpacks are 50% off Limited time till next release is coming♡ -AZUL- Verda
*B.D.R.* Weekend Sales!
New Weekend Releases!
* NEW x The Saturday Sale *
**B.D.R.* Vivianna...
GENRE: Dark Arts
-> Open 15th It's my first participation, Theme for this round : Dark Arts
- New Necklace . - You have a version with & without eye. You can match
with my ...
neon box makassar
jasa advertising di makassar Mengenai Neon box yg umum dimanfaatkan sebagai
alat promosi merupakan neonbox model kotak bujursangkar atau persegi
panjang yg...
::KarJam:: Projects Blog lives....
Here we are with our 1st post so we want first of all to present
::KarJam:: Projects is XXkarineXX Bade and JamesMichael Hammerer Second
Lots Of Goodies
There are lots of goodies to tell you about today...Woot!
Adrianna Marquez believes in celebrating a woman's beauty. A&k Design's low
cut "Slinked" laced c...
.:A&M:. @ Black Market Jun'12 - Wild&Chic
Black Market Jun'12 new release!
Shirt and mini dress in animal prints pattern.
3 types of end bottom, with, without sash belt.
All layers included. Mix an...
Pearl & Diamond Butterfly Necklace & Earring Set
Butterflies are delicate and precious, so what better way to capture their
beauty then to create an intricate Pearl & Diamond Butterfly Necklace &
Earring ...
A Long Dream
~*~Hello Dreamers~*~ As you can tell from the date of my last blog post,
I’ve been gone for a long time… Dreaming. I can’t say that much in
particular has...
The Advantages in Having Bike Rack for Ford Focus
*Bike Rack for Ford Focus* - Given the surge in notoriety for hitch-mounted *Bike
Rack for Ford Focus* well known line, we're beginning to see every one o...
Camilla at Summerfest ’19
Lelutka mesh head applier Camilla comes in all 7 skin tones and includes
matching base skin, Omega body applier, shape, brow shape and 5 brow
options. We a...
New @ Birth Hypnotic 'Magik' Eyes
'M A G I K'
Condensed with the carnal magic of nature, these eyes bestow ancient
wiccan, shamanic and the
ancient lineage of ritualised entheogens within...
Holy Crapola!
Just before we open for realz, tragedy strikes!!
The landowner of Viana Islands apparently took beef with our parcel owner
and unceremoniously boote...
Merry Christmas from Burning Chrome
So first of I'd like to introduce my myself. I'm Arapants the new
Manager/Blogger for Burning Chrome you might have seen me hanging around
the store well n...
New Hair and New colors
A brand new style has just been released today, It's October, so I am
working on my halloween styles. Penny has a pirate theme, soft mesh curls
that have b...
This Outfit is not casual as usual, it is sexy amazing!
SALLY comes with a MESH wool pullover in 5 different sizes
includes alpha layer,
sexy booty shorts ...
Sweet Deal
*Contoure Shapes is proud to announce that ALL shapes now include a Mod
shape! The prices are the same great deal =) Stop by today & get yours!*
I have Extended my store wide sale in Tropical Orchid till the 10th Jan
So now you have extra time to get those very special priced items befor...
Coming soon!
Everything Past and present will be coming to you for FREE!!! Free you
say? You heard it here first. Everything created by Mairead Broek is
coming to you...
Beauty Secret #7 - The Lips
New at Garded Secret are the *Luscious Lip Charms*.
When you need just a little something to create that extra edge in your
style. these yummy tattoos will...
Closing Sale: 75% OFF Entire Store!
24 Hours only, a full *75% OFF* Everything in the store!
Visit *http://slurl.com/secondlife/The%20City/165/49/22*
World Goth Fair
The World Goth Fair runs from 15 May to the end of the month. Look for the
charity vendors at each booth for items whose sales benefit the Sophie
Ka is Rebranding
Hello Ka friends,
Ka will be closed for the next days for rebranding, we are changing the
whole sim and working on brand new goodies only for you.
Soon you ...
KOSH at The Mens Dept - November
Hey there!
A new round of The Mens Dept. has started!
Here are our UNISEX Items:
On 1st of December all of ADAIN NECKLACES AND RING...
[LeeZu!] Saphire Gown
Fusing, delicious heirloom elegance of by-gone Belles and a tingling touch
of shabby chic the NEW [LeeZu!] Saphire Gown, with criss-cross pleated
Cheat Mobile Arena Unlimited Gems Terbaru
Cheat Mobile Arena Unlimited Gems Terbaru – Selanjutnya penjelasan
kesempatan ini kita juga akan memberi satu tutorial dalam hal langkah
memperoleh gems, v...
Sedia Kontak BBM Untuk Bisnis Online
*Sedia Kontak BBM Untuk Bisnis Online*
Sedia Kontak BBM Untuk Bisnis Online | How to write to both increased fuel
speedily to tinge in liability commerce ...
hoyes !
My computer is working as it should and I can get back to my list of
"To-Do's" for LK! Excited much?
Last week I struggled to retexture the current hair o...
MAD Image has MOVED to www.kmaddmoda.com
We are pleased to announce that KMADD & MAD Image blog have a new home:
www.kmaddmoda.com After today, this blog will no longer be active – please
update y...
Mea Culpa – Halloween Special!!!
**=__MEA CULPA_=** 50% special Halloween offer !!! Some of the latest
releases for 50 % of the regular price only till Halloween ! For the
Ladies: WAY TO ...
More Marketplace Items reduced
My Vintage Items are also reduced and here is the link to my store on
Hope you like the stuff...
CLOSING SALE @ mimikri
After much consideration, I have decided to close my Second Life store as I
shift my focus to new projects in my real life. This journey has been an
http://manisdaydream.blogspot.com/ just keep it simple, straight and no
frills …. enjoy cheeerssss. [this blog will be closed for activity]
Modd.G New – Sola Blouses for ATDR
Hi! This is my Modd.G item for the Alabama Tornado Disaster Relief
Fundraiser. Also, many other awesome designers and fellow residents have
contributed to...
MoodSwings Music Festival!
It's the MoodSwings "Music For The Soul" Music Festival!
Saturday, Feb. 6th 2010
Kicking off at 12pm Noon and running till 6pm SLT
Featuring some of Seco...
Starry Shiny_I love US at My Precious
It has been some time since we released goodies. Check out our mainstore
for this lovely eyeshadow, I love US. We know you must be in need of
something s...
New From Nefertiti
all eyes turn to you In your Italian cut suit from Nefertiti Kiwagawa. they
notice the detail the way it hugs your body. The grey silk speaks quality
and ...
Happy Tuesday!
The new store is moving right along. Niah Larson (LMC & Lillith Mills) has
added my designs, gowns etc to her website including my addresses for this
Hair Fair 2016 – Guest Book
Originally posted on Hair Fair Second Life:
Throughout Hair Fair, the committee gets such lovely IMs from residents
about how much they look forward to, an...
*Reale* for TTB #9
The 9th edition of Tropicalia Bazaar is ready and full of lovely items!
This is the last edition of 2011, so go check it out! Reale item is a puff
dress wi...
new stuff @ rebel
i made some new stuff. a new hair style for men and the punk shoes for men
and women in "fur" and "checked" style. the shoes can change the texture on
… and waiting for you… Shape: ss-TYPE.oS~Scar by [rQ]Design Skin:
ss-TYPE.oS~Scar/Bronze by [rQ]Design Hair: [rQ]Abandon~Onyx by [rQ]Design
Shirt: >>ROOTS<...
SLFF Blog Closing Today
The timing may make some wonder, but it’s no joke. After five years and
1400 posts, we’re closing the SL Fetish Fashion Blog.
The posts will stay here - I ...
Spring Sandals for Slink
Love your Slink Feet?
In our shoe store now - compatible with the Slink Mid Feet
sf design Cassandra Sandals
A hessian textured wedge with colour change s...
Slink is closing – 1-1-2023
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the
closure of Slink, One Bad Pixel and Cinnamon&Chai in Second Life. Second
Life has ...
Happy Halloween 2012!
Happy Halloween to all our StarChild Designs Fans!
Once again, to celebrate this year's spooky festival, we have released a
new $1 outfit. Combining the ...
Stylissimo ~ Pour La Rusch
[image: Stylissimo ~ Pour La Rusch]
Here's to an amazing New Year in style! This new stylish gem of a pants
suit, Pour La Rusch, is set to help you start ...
Sedia Kontak BBM Murah Bergaransi
*Sedia Kontak BBM Murah Bergaransi*
Sedia Kontak BBM Murah Bergaransi | Indonesia online superstore If present
is still doubt the accuracy of the fuel Add...
IT Admins Need To Learn About Windows 10 For Mobile
Microsoft’s new operating system Windows 10 is arriving this weekend and
many of us are awaiting for their own copy of the OS to be installed. With
Barerose Tokyo @ new round of Genre event
Barerose Tokyo's new dress for Genres monthly event !
This months Genre event theme is Lolita Cotton Candy , we have a beautiful
new dress for the event...
*:::::* It's that time of the year again! Benefit now from crazy discounts
at your favorite skin stores for one weekend only!
Most of the items in my main ...
Inspired by a woman who writes with her heart, a personal friend i truly
admire. A cocktel dress with a glam touch! mesh! 5 sizes! optional scripted
New site!
Hello! Just a quick post to say that we’ve moved to a new website and won’t
be posting anymore updates to this blog. We hope you’ll update any links
you ha...
Aurora in Lotus
I have the pleasure of wearing Prism Aurora in Lotus by Journey. A great
outfit for spring with jacket and linen pants. Please stop by Prism to
check out t...
Uberlitary part 4
all, except dog and body, is at Uber Nov roundFiled under: Fashion Tagged:
black bantam, bold & beauty, moon, rebel gal, seul, vale koer
Amacci moving SALE!
I’m terribly sorry to say that Amacci had to move again to a new
region, due to unforeseen circumstances. The new location
is http://maps.secondlife.com/se...
Shrewd Hunter / Behaved Actor
We have released 2 new items today.
Sculpted flexi hair styles for men and unisex.
By the way, We filled 1color limited editions on XSL related to the past ...
Out of Sight, Out of (my) Mind
Shhh, I'm not really here...
Eternity Skin Shop Group Gifts
Go upstairs to find the joiner and a lucky board with another skin
White tee in the back is one...
See Comments Enclosed
That particular addendum was a constant companion to my school report card
during my last several years of teen-dom, along with such gems as “if only
Ethan & Dylan.
Just a couple of quick pictures to show you two of the new skin releases
from Belleza, namely Ethan (at the top) and Dylan. There is also a full
release of...
A Hush Fell Upon The Blog…
So if it’s not already apparent, I’ve somewhat stepped aside from
SecondLife and the fashion scene within. It comes down to a simple
statement of, “Not eno...
Au Revoir Blog
Dear readers,
Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for your support all these while. I have finally decided
to close this blog due to time constrain in my RL...
Sizzling Summer Cart Sale, p3
Let there be joy! I have another post to share chock-full of goodness you
can find at the Sizzling Summer Cart Sale happening at The Wash right now!
We h...
Join the group at ROCX and grab yourself a pair of cool boots!
They have a few other freebies as a member, but why spoil it?
GOING ON RIGHT NOW - 60% off ...
Tenue du jour / Outfit of the day: “sf design”
[Click on the picture to enlarge] Style, Photography: Perry Proudhon Review
and Credits after the jump! (...)Read the rest of Tenue du jour / Outfit of
Our latest Sophistishapes female styled shape ANOUK
is waiting to be the new YOU!
Head over and try on a demo and see how she fits.
Established since 200...
LoveCats – Allure
Always fashionable and ever changing, LoveCats continues to break the mold
and re-imagine what the grid thinks of neko fashion. Creating beautiful
styles t...
Final Post
Hi guys! Last post in this blog. We've decided to start fresh with a new
blog and combine the men and female in the same blog and also post non free
And we close another successful year
So another Shoe Fair has come and gone, and though I absolutely love
putting it on every year, I also love when it ends and I can start thinking
about what...
Inaugural Month of Machinima event kicks off in May
Second Life machinima artists are invited to submit their work by April 10
to be screened at the May 2011 Month of Machinima event, produced by the
Linden ...
Chouchou Official Website Open
Chouchou official website is now open.
This blog will no longer be updated, so please go check our official
website for further ...
Ugly Little Flickr
Darlings, we have found a complete, unoriginal simpleton on Flickr. It is
one thing to poke fun at the absurd and we have no problems with that at
all but ...
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* navigation
* navigation
** mainpage|mainpage-description
** mainpage|main...
New Website and blog!
The Phoenix Viewer now has a new website in place, with a blog on the front
page. This new blog will be our primary and I will turn this blog into my
Operation Squeegee Wrap-up!
Operation Squeegee has ended, and with a few last minute donations and
shoppers we made it just over one million twenty thousand Lindens, that's
[image: Enscharys]
This white castle stretches far above the clouds and towers over an
elaborate landscape. Can you unlock the clues to discover an ancient...
Scheduled Maintenance
*THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Mar 31, 08:00 - 10:00 PDT*
Mar 28, 09:59 PDT
*Scheduled* - We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Monday, March
31st s...
User:SuzannaLinn Resident
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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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= Classes =
= Classes =
I w...
No1UKnow edited Rezday Gifts
Many places give out gifts for your rezday.
Also, there's Here's a list for you to visit on your special day.
Edelweiss has a rezday gi...
Lucky Tribe
Wow... it's been a crazy few months. You might remember - in my last post -
I mentioned a new "grid wide" game that I was working on, called "Lucky
Sixty Linden Weekends Blog
As we are looking towards 2011 it was time to update the blog!! The newest
stuff that you can find here include the links across the top with
information o...
The A List! News about Second Life
*Second Life* has announced the following information for our grid:
New CEO : Ebbe Altberg
Mesh update : tools, platform, community
Online Access : Andro...
New offerings @ GearShift
Hey gang!
New stuff finally in at The Block! Tasty new jeans aimed at the ladies. And
a great new TShirt for the guys.
You can pick them up NOW at th...
Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe :: 17Apr11
Watch guests Jayjay Zifanwe, The Follow and Augur Debs as they join host
Paisley Beebe for a wonderful show.
This feed is being replaced. If you are a c...
Vendor Support Month Has Begun!
Finally, the wait is over. This group of wonderful designers listed below
have all produced wonderful products for everyone...
Publishing to GitHub
I’m currently pushing the source code for my scripts to GitHub; while many
of the scripts were publicly available already, I thought it might be
useful to ...
ANA for One Voice Continued...
This is the second item from ANA_Mations which can be found at the One
Voice event in support of Gala Phoenix. 100% of the proceeds from this
record bag ...
Saby Clary’s Utopia – A Mecca for Elegance
I’m not a gown gal. I’m in my jeans and t-shirt most of the time. However,
every so often I have to dress up for the odd fashion event or Second Life
Poses Hunt and DmD Poses together!
*~W E L C O M E T O PRO POSERS 2010 H U N T~ *
* H U N T O N L Y F O R P O S E S*
*DmD Poses ...
Congratulations to the Finalists for our quarterly magazine cover
I joined Second Life early in 2009. I quickly became inter...
[LA] LostAngel @Pose Fair 2015
LostAngel is coming back at Pose Fair 2015! Six new releases: “Summertime”
a posepack with a shower prop, for him – 10 male poses “Summertime” a
posepack f...
[LAP] Closing Sale, LAST DAYS!
Posting this one last time - this weekend is your last chance to shop the
closing sale, and yo...
Our latest products
If you haven’t checked out our new store & lovely garden, yet, its high
time that you stopped by! Here is a look at some of our latest
products. Multi...
Amelie et les petites: Sparrows
Amelie Fravoisse posted a photo:
[image: Amelie et les petites: Sparrows]
Catching fireflies *¨*•.¸ღ
ℬαвуđσℓℓ Sℓoηȼ ღ posted a photo:
[image: Catching fireflies *¨*•.¸ღ]
I will add info later today x
♫ youtu.be/psuRGfAaju4?si=490cMGgxplvaSGn4
The blog was updated for v6. Page index should be at right.
Latest changes: HUD instructions updated; sticks vs. spheres updated. See
revision history for v...
Avastar 2.79-3 Bugfix Release
Avastar 2.79-3 Bug Fix Release We just released a little update to Avastar
2.79 which fixes a few minor issues. Here is the list: 2019-11-08 Fix:
Edits of ...
The Way II
Anyone could see the road that they walk on is paved in gold, It's always
summer, they'll never get cold, They'll never get hungry, They'll never get
old a...
Important Info-Material Viewer-LeeZu!
When using the Materials Viewer, it is mandatory if you want to see the
materials to change your graphic settings. Go to Preferances, then Graphics
and cli...
User:SuzannaLinn Resident
← Older revision Revision as of 18:30, 28 March 2025
(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
= Classes =
= Classes =
I w...
Temporary moratorium
Feldie (Feldspar Epstein) is helping me migrate my blog to tateru.nino.net,
and a nifty new CSS-y template that will let me be more certain images are
SL 4 Nowt has moved
This is the last post I’ll be making over here, peeps. I’ve been posting at
the new blog since before Christmas, and occasionally placing reminders of
it h...
Answers To Your Home Mortgage Questions What is holding you back from
seeking out a mortgage? Do you feel like you need to learn more before you
start th...
ISTAF World Cup
← Previous revision Revision as of 17:19, 29 March 2025
Line 344: Line 344:
|{{flagicon|MYS}} [[Kuala Lumpur]]
|{{flagicon|MYS}} [[Kuala...
Second Life - LSL Raytracer
Second Life - LSL Raytracer
I wrote a raytracer entirely in LSL. It takes a scene in SL (simplifying it
all into cubes due to limitations), and then draw...
排他的EV推進論が日本を滅ぼ […]
The post 「電気自動車(EV)VS水素燃料電池車(FCV)」でガラパ...
Camera Panoramic - Taking snapshots
Current version 0.11
You can find the product on Second Life Market Place
You can download the full documentation as PDF here.
CamPano is a tool for cap...
Uploading all Gacha extras to MP!
am_mccellan posted a photo:
[image: Uploading all Gacha extras to MP!]
It's taking me FOREVER but I'm determined to upload all my unused gachas to
The A List! News about Second Life
*Second Life* has announced the following information for our grid:
New CEO : Ebbe Altberg
Mesh update : tools, platform, community
Online Access : Andro...
Google and its Integration
I finally did it. I finally figured out how to be my real self and how to
be my avatar, Raftwet Jewell. Google integration was a tough one for me.
In rea...
Cadair Braeden
Cadair Braeden is a fully immersive fantasy medieval role play sim set on 3
sims. Besides being home to one of the biggest, friendliest, and most
active ...
Chouchou Official Website Open
Chouchou official website is now open.
This blog will no longer be updated, so please go check our official
website for further ...
If you would like to view my personal blog, it is here:
Note: It is super super personal so please do not leave hater c...
A fae in the wardrobe sept 28th
Today i'm interrupting my series on the new dresscode because I just HAD to
show you that latest gorgeousness from Evie's closet
Lip Balm vs ChapStick: Are They the Same?
Are lip balm and ChapStick the same thing? Many people are often confused
about this, as lip balm and ChapStick seem to be different products with
How Long Do Hair Extensions Last
When it comes to hair extensions, many people are curious about how long
they will last. Will they stay in ...
Read more
The post How Long Do Hair Exte...
Life & Little Things...On the Needles
I've been clicking away on my Felix Pullover and loving it!
The raglan sleeve eyelets are so simple yet feminine and gives this simple
cozy sweater such...
Featured seller: AnnaMoraitou
Κυρίες και κύριοι, σήμερα θα γνωρίσουμε λίγο καλύτερα την Άννα, από το
Ladies and gentlemen, today we will get to know a bit better Anna, fro...
DIY Graphics Available!
I've added a few DIY (Do It Yourself) graphics to the COSDesign Etsy Shop.
Just a few banner, facebook, and business card sets that you can customize
with ...
and suddenly the fall came ... news in my shop :)
Saying Goodbye.
May was such a sad month for our family. On May 2nd we said goodbye to our
beloved dog Mabel. It has taken me some time to find the words to write
Patiently Waiting
*I called the weight loss doctor because they didn't call me in April and
the nurse said they were having a few problems getting it together but they
A Woman Must Have a Kitchen of Her Own
I think the key to healing is transcending the dualistic thinking patterns
that indoctrinate us (and that includes pitting the genders against each
Crepe Paper Flower Tutorial
Crepe Paper Flowers
Our monthly Artistic Stampers club always ends their business meetings with
a Demo. Tanya Green was on July's demo hostess......a...
My fellow colleague and blogger (to be). Be sure to keep an eye out for her
new upcoming blog Chopinion
I'm absolutely in love with her skirt. It's fro...
The sun sets and she appears...
Hello internets. Yes ... its been a while. A long while. Oops.
This is me, trying to get back on the blog horse again. Like all those
other times.
The Key to Successful Weightloss
The secret is... hard work and perseverance... That's it! I've lost 6
lbs. this week alone by really busting my butt in the gym and eating
"clean". PL...
Modern Aqua & White Bedroom Decor
Modern Aqua & White Bedroom Decor: It's happened, you've been hanging out
on Pinterest & found a million things you want to redo in your house. All
those ...
level L {love}
I could hear the beaming in Henry's voice all the way from the front seat,
even though Wyatt was screaming about not finding his leftover snack in his
My Newest
Sadly no time for blogging of late. Barely time to create. But I finally
got these earrings done after months. I am in love with my newest creation.
Do You Remember?
It's been almost a year since my last post here, and I'm astonished that so
many followers have signed on to a long dormant blog.
It makes me smile.
I m...
A Celebrity Question for you…
What does this list of amazing Hollywood Celebrities all have in common
with Luster Metal Works?
1. Jeremy Piven
2. Tom Hanks
3. Bill Maher
4. Adrian ...
'Darkest Horror - Appealing Mystery Black' by borneodiva
Horror...Black....Mysterious....Dark....Yet you couldn't take your eyes
from it and still want it
I love today's google doodle.
The first thing I think of when I see it is the movie Midnight in Pairs.
It is actually for the artist Juan Gris. I kno...
Mystery Grab Bag of Jewelry Giveaway
I am giving away a Mystery Grab Bag of Jewelry to one of my wonderful blog
readers. The estimated retail value will be at least $100...but possibly
much mo...
Jan. 29 Update
Thursday (Feb. 2) I go for my second treatment of Yervoy. Unfortunately
there seems to be now change so far. I'm optimistic and I welcome all of
your good...
Which Description is Correct?
So, we have a choice of two possibilities for this two-sided pendant ...
The scene on one side is of an Eagle holding 2 flags, and a banner that
says: E ...
Pheasant Tale
*Pheasant Tale Fascinator by Arturo Rios*
*Artist Statement:* This is a beautiful hat i love from my collection, its
made on small pillbox covered with a...
currently crushing on *THE (FASHION) HASH* ♥
so fresh + fun!
New Sex and the City inspired Ombre Necklace
These are very limited so be sure to get yours now! Available in my etsy
store: http://www.etsy.com/listing/82472894/carrie-ombre-necklace
Mother's Day 20% Off Sale
I'm planning to visit my mom this Mother's Day. Not original, but we'll
both enjoy it. I'd love to hear about anything special you have planned for
Merry Christmas
To all my wonderful internet friends, customers, suppliers and readers of
my blog I wish you all a wonderful Christmas.
May 2011 be all that you want i...
Please join the poll and help me out!!
OK, this is a question I've been wondering about for a while, so I wanted
to create a poll to hopefully see what most of you think!
As some of you know my...
This is my favourite one - OWLS!!!
...ooohh I love this bracelet - the cabochons look great and the images of
the owls ar...
I'm trying to decide if this is a loving or a cheeky look.
[image: P3081252]
Maybe he's mad at me because he's STARVING. Or so he tells me every day
when I...