Sunday, January 6, 2013


So much has went on in my real life of 2012.  I've been promoted to Senior Beauty Advisor for the Cosmetic Department of Walgreens.  My son married in August.  My WA in August as well.  My nephew married in September of 2012.  My sons birthdays of course, and of course... December 2012.. when I had to have surgery that sent me from one hospital EMS to another.  I am still in recovery, but I am not out of the loop of Second Life.

I am going to be trying to get back to posting my favorite finds through Second Life. There are so many wonderful artists and designers out there.  To start with.. this is my new look for 2013.

My thanks to Sachi Vixen of Adam and Eve for the lovely skin.
My hair is from La La Moon it is NOT mesh.

Thank you all who have added yourself to my blog here to show your support.  I have recently found out someone used this name to create a blog, though I wish them well, I am in NO way affiliated to them, their facebook page, nor anything they have created on Second Life.

It is sad to see people slam others for an outlet that they find enjoyable.  I created it out of love and admiration to all your hard work out there.  If I am missing any blogs DO please let me know and I will link them to where I have others.  Everyone is so creative!

So on that note.... here is the new me... shy at times, open and silly at others.
In recovery, and hopefully one day to be able to learn and share my love of fashion with the rest of you.

Me at home.

Please continue to support those who strive to make Second Life enjoyable.  
Many use this game for recovery, for an outlet, and also for their income when other options are not able to otherwise.  

Never stop the dream to learn, explore, and be all that you can be.